Berlin-Tempelhof airport, opened in 1923, is one of the very first in Germany.
On January 6, 1926, Deutsche Luft Hansa A.G. was founded as a result of the merger of Junkers Luftverkehr AG and Deutsche Aero Lloyd. Tempelhof became its headquarters.

The terminal was expanded to include new facilities: a restaurant run by Mitropa, a terrace for visitors, and a hotel (Flughafenhotel).
By the time the work was completed in 1928, it was clear that the new facilities were not sufficient to cope with the rapid growth in traffic.
As early as 1930, a new project for the expansion of Tempelhof Airport was adopted, but this is another story.



More than 12Km² of aerial view                WIND SMOKE system                 Animated Tramway                   

BERLIN terminal and parkings                    Specific windsocks                        Dynamic Wind T

3D animated 1935 characteres                 Flags managed by wind                     Runway lights

Civilian and Lufthansa aereas                       Static 1935 aircrafts (Ju52., Br XIV, Fa.60)


 !! Fore a better experience please install REDWING FRANCE_1935  scenery to modify all planes , services, add all French night beacons,  and reduce city lights by night.!!